Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil - Understanding Key Differences 

For those considering incorporating CBD into their lives, it's crucial to understand the distinction between hemp oil and CBD oil. While many assume they are the same, they are in fact quite different. By grasping these differences, you can make informed decisions about which product to purchase. 

Problems seem to primarily occur when people are seeking out CBD gummies or CBD oil-infused products and end up buying hemp oil products. What happens then is people throw up their hands saying, "CBD doesn't work," or "It did nothing," or "felt nothing," and then carry on with their lives thinking CBD is of no benefit to them…..when in reality they purchased a product that simply had hemp oil and not CBD oil. 

So, let us explore these key differences below by reviewing the source, composition, and uses/benefits of hemp oil and CBD oil. 

Differences in Extraction and Composition

Hemp Oil (Hemp Seed Oil):

  • Source: Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa).

  • Composition: It contains a high concentration of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and other nutritional antioxidants. However, it has little to no CBD or THC content.

  • Uses: Commonly used as a nutritional supplement, in cooking, and in skincare products due to its moisturizing properties.

CBD Oil:

  • Source: CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the hemp plant.

  • Composition: Contains cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. CBD oil can be full-spectrum (containing other cannabinoids and terpenes), broad-spectrum (CBD and other compounds, but no THC), or isolate (pure CBD).

  • Uses: Used for its potential therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, and improving sleep disorders. The keyword here is “potential”, as CBD products are NOT FDA regulated and currently no medical claims are substantiated.

We assume that people on this site are seeking out CBD-related products such as CBD gummies or tinctures, etc., and not hemp. So, part of each review we do, especially for large supplement brands not exclusively focused on CBD, is to check, to the best of our knowledge, whether they are indeed selling you CBD oil in their products. 

So often, we see people searching for a specific "CBD brand" they may have heard about or gotten an ad for, only for us to realize said brand is selling hemp gummies. Even for us, The Best Buds, it can be hard to tell at times; for those with little to no understanding of what CBD is or anything about the industry, it's no surprise people mistakenly buy hemp oil gummies and not CBD oil gummies. 

We promise to do our best to provide the answer to this question in each review we do on this website.