Part of the research process for most things people want to buy is understanding what and who they're buying from. This applies to any consumer product, not just CBD products. Not all places where you can buy CBD online are the same.

CBD Companies, Brands, & Retailers - Know The Difference To Make An Educated Buying Decision

Let's break this into three categories:

Actual CBD Companies—These are legitimate CBD companies that own their own CBD brands, and some even manufacture from their own farms! Such companies often carry a wide variety of CBD-derived products, such as gummies, oils, tinctures, creams, balms, and the list goes on. In addition, they will usually only carry their actual brands—understandably so! 

Giant Supplement Brands - Other popular CBD brands can only seemingly be bought from major online retailers such as Amazon or eBay; these are often just major white-label supplement companies with no special care or focus on the CBD industry. 

This is not to say such companies are not legit or are some kind of scam. It's just that often; they mass-buy cheaper products that are currently very popular for the pure intent of profit margin. A problem with many such brands that can be misleading is that people think they're buying CBD oil when, indeed, it's Hemp oil. There is a difference, and it matters.

Online CBD Retail Ecommerce Sites—Finally, there are online retail CBD stores, such as Best Buds CBD Store; stores like this find particular brands to stock in their stores, much like any brick-and-mortar store.

Why Choose Our Ecommerce Site For Your CBD Needs? 

We know there are a million and one places out there at this point that sell CBD online. However, most sites take less time and effort to research truly great products to list. We are a small operation, so we must choose wisely which CBD brands we invest in. That means we must carry great CBD products that people keep returning to buy!

Above all else, we prioritize quality even over cheaper price points. Some of our CBD gummy products may be more expensive than other brands you will find links to on this website. However, we ensure the brands we carry in our store or on this website are of the highest quality possible. 

That said, we actually do offer quite great pricing for many of our products and reward those who purchase larger quantities with discounted pricing.