Top 10 Questions Athletes Have About Taking Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies!
Justin Davenport Justin Davenport

Top 10 Questions Athletes Have About Taking Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies!

Full-spectrum CBD gummies have become quite popular amongst athletes to support muscle recovery, reduce inflammation and deal with the anxiety of competing healthily and naturally. CBD, a powerful chemical compound within the cannabis plant, has been shown to have various health benefits. Full-spectrum CBD gummy's major advantage over other CBD types is that it contains a large spectrum (no pun intended) of beneficial compounds that includes CBD, terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids. Below we will explore the top 10 questions surrounding the conversation about the use of full-spectrum CBD gummies for athletes.

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Dosing Information For Newcomers To CBD Products
Justin Davenport Justin Davenport

Dosing Information For Newcomers To CBD Products

In recent years CBD, a chemical compound in cannabis, has drastically grown in popularity, primarily due to the federal legalization in 2018. At Best Buds, one of the most common questions we get is, "how much should I take?"

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The Key Players Of The Endocannabinoid System
Justin Davenport Justin Davenport

The Key Players Of The Endocannabinoid System

Many people have at least heard of CBD and the health benefits that come with regular consumption of it. But what most people have little to no understanding of is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), the complex system that interacts with CBD and is responsible for the pain, anxiety, and inflammation relief many people experience.

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